How Long Do Artichokes Last? The Various Scenarios Explained

What’s an Artichoke?

What is an artichoke, and how long do artichokes last? An artichoke is a thistle-like vegetable with a heart of edible leaves and flowers. The edible portion of the plant is a bud that you harvest before it blooms.

They are high in fiber and vitamins C and K and are a good source of antioxidants. You can use artichokes in many dishes, from appetizers to main courses. Read our article and find out How to Cook Baby Artichokes Italian Style.

3 Artichoke

How to Store Artichokes?

Once you pick or purchase your artichokes, it’s essential to store them properly to stay fresh. The following are some tips on how to keep artichokes.

When you store them in a cool, dry place, artichokes will last for about two weeks. If you plan on keeping them for longer, then store them in the fridge, where they will last for up to three months. When storing artichokes in the refrigerator, be sure to place them in a plastic bag or container with holes so they can breathe.

You can freeze artichokes, although this may affect their texture. To freeze artichokes, blanch them first by boiling them for two minutes, then place them in a plastic bag and store them in the freezer for six months. Thaw them overnight in the fridge when you’re ready to use frozen artichokes. 

Following these tips, your artichokes should stay fresh and delicious for weeks or even months! Enjoy! 

How Long do Artichokes Last?

How long do artichokes last? Artichokes are a delicious and healthy vegetable, but they can also be quite perishable. So you need to know how long artichokes last, both in the fridge and out of it.

When you store them at room temperature, artichokes will last for about two days. If you refrigerate them, they will last for up to five days. However, artichokes are best when you eat them as soon as possible after purchasing them.

There are various things you should keep in mind regarding storage. First, you should store artichokes in a cool, dry place. If possible, store them in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator.

If you need to store artichokes for longer, you can freeze them. First, blanch the artichokes in boiling water for two minutes, then shock them in ice water. After cooling, pat them dry and place them in a freezer-safe bag. Frozen artichokes will last for up to six months.

Now that you know how long artichokes last, it’s time to enjoy them! Artichokes are delicious when steamed and served with dipping sauce or roasted and added to salads or pasta dishes. However, you choose to enjoy them, make sure you do so while they’re at their peak of freshness for the best flavor.

How long do artichokes last? Artichokes are a delicious and healthy vegetable, but they can also be quite perishable. So you need to know how long artichokes last, both in the fridge and out of it.

When are Artichokes in Season?

Artichokes are a delicious vegetable that you can enjoy year-round. However, they are typically in season from late spring to early fall. 

If you’re looking for the freshest artichokes, try to buy them when they are in season. This will ensure that you get the best-tasting vegetables possible. However, don’t worry if you can’t find them during this period. You can still enjoy artichokes out of season, although they may not be as flavorful.

So, when are artichokes in season? Generally, they are available from late spring to early fall. This is when they are at their peak of freshness and flavor. So, if you’re looking for the best-tasting artichokes, try to buy them during this time. You will not regret it.


What Does an Artichoke Look Like?

Artichokes are a type of thistle whose distinctive shape is immediately recognizable. They have large, globular heads with thick, fleshy leaves that taper to a point. The leaves are either green or purple, and the artichoke is typically 2-3 inches (5-7.6 centimeters) in diameter.

The center of the artichoke contains a small, edible portion called the “heart.” An inedible part called the “choke,” consisting of thin, sharp leaves, surrounds the heart. After cooking, they are tender and have a slightly nutty artichoke flavor.

The Part of an Artichoke You Can’t Eat

The part of an artichoke you can’t eat is the part that surrounds the heart. This part is inedible because it is challenging and fibrous. The heart of an artichoke is the edible part most people enjoy eating. Peel away the tough outer layer and remove the inedible center part.

What Parts of Artichoke are Edible?

If you have never worked with globe artichokes before, you may find that they provide some challenges. Cutting them in two and examining the various components has proven helpful for me in the past. What parts of an artichoke are edible, and what parts are not; 

  • The heart: The entirety of the heart is edible. 
  • Outer leaves: the leaves themselves are inedible, except for the flesh you can find at the base, where they join the heart.
  • The inner leaves: are inedible since the bottoms of these leaves do not contain any flesh that you may eat. You can chew the entire leaf, but I’ve never found it a delightful experience.
  • Stem: The outermost layer of the branch is typically stringy or rough, but the inner parts are edible and practically indistinguishable from the heart of the plant. You can harvest stems when the outermost layer is no longer present.
  • Choke: The choke has a feathery consistency that is unpleasant to chew and can also become lodged in your throat, causing you to choke. Choke the feathery feeling of the choke. The choke does not contain any toxin (but is still not good to eat due to choking hazards).

Can You Freeze Artichokes?

Can you freeze artichokes? You can freeze them whole after cooking or with pesto sauce. Blanch artichokes first in boiling water for two minutes. 

Once blanched, cool the artichokes in ice water before draining and patting them dry. Place the artichokes in a freezer-safe container, seal tightly, and store in the freezer for up to six months. Thaw them in the refrigerator overnight when ready to use the frozen artichokes. You can then cook or prepare them as you would fresh artichokes. 

How to Tell if an Artichoke is Bad

If you’re not sure whether an artichoke is bad, there are a few things you can look for:

  1. Check the color of the artichoke. It isn’t good if it’s anything other than deep green.
  2. Smell the artichoke. If it has a sour or off odor, it is a bad artichoke.
  3. Feel the artichoke. If it’s soft or mushy, it isn’t good. If the artichoke has any of these signs, throw it out.

What is an Artichoke Heart?

An artichoke heart is the edible portion of the artichoke plant. It is at the bottom of the flower head, and leaves surround it. The heart is famous in Mediterranean dishes. You can eat it pickled, cooked, or raw.

Our Top Artichoke Storage Tips

If you’re lucky enough to have fresh artichokes, you’ll want to know how to store them properly, so they don’t go to waste. Here are our top tips:

  • You can store cooked artichokes in the fridge for up to a week. Put them in an airtight container, and they’ll be good to go.
  • If you need to store cooked artichokes for longer than a week, you can freeze them. Wrap them tightly in freezer-safe packaging.
  • In a perforated bag, you should store raw artichokes in the fridge, unwrapped. They’ll last for about a week this way. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to enjoy your artichokes for as long as possible!
Artichoke parts

Final Words

So, now that you know all about artichokes, how long do they last? The answer is a little complicated. Artichokes will generally last between three and five days when stored in the refrigerator. However, they will only last for one or two days if you cook them. In case you freeze them, they will last for around six months. 

Like most fruits and vegetables, the best way to keep them fresh is to store them in a cool, dark place. And don’t forget – artichokes are in season from March through May! So next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up some of these delicious vegetables.