How Long Does Fresh Mozzarella Last?
There are different ways on how to store fresh mozzarella. Every package has a date indicating its shelf life. It has a shorter shelf life than parmesan or other hard cheeses. It usually takes two to three weeks, so there’s no point in stocking up on mozzarella during a sale or ordering ahead of time.
If you don’t break the seal, the mozzarella package should last at least a few days (perhaps up to a week) after the expiration date.

Does Mozzarella Cheese Go Bad?
The cheese is fine as long as you enjoy the taste. Keep in mind that most cheeses’ flavors will develop over time. If a small piece of cheese tingles or burns your tongue, lips, or cheeks, the cheese is rotten (even if it passes the look and smell tests).
How to Store Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
Mozzarella, like ricotta, is a soft cheese with high moisture content. When you compare it to hard cheeses, mozzarella has a short shelf life, and you should consume it as soon as possible after purchase.
Keep refrigerated if you’re making fresh mozzarella or buying pre-packed mozzarella at the shop. For up to five days, keep the mozzarella in an airtight container immersing in cold water or olive oil.
Fresh mozzarella has a higher water content than shredded mozzarella. As a result, this pre-packed mozzarella has a longer shelf life than fresh mozzarella, and you can store it in the refrigerator for up to five days after opening. The following are also options on how to store fresh mozzarella.
Using Plastic Wrap to Store Fresh Mozzarella
This is the simplest method and is excellent for large mozzarella chunks. However, if you have a lot of little mozzarella balls, immersing the cheese in liquid is a better option.
The next step is to separate the liquid from the cheese and package it tightly in plastic wrap. Check for air pockets and make sure you cover everything. The cheese will not dry out and keep its quality for a few days if done.
Fresh Mozzarella in Liquid Storage
Fresh mozzarella is typically in the market in liquid form, and you can keep leftovers in the same manner. However, there is one thing you must understand before you consider storing fresh mozzarella.
The challenge is that some manufacturers soak mozzarella in water, while others use brine (water + salt). Should you go with plain old water or brine? There is no consensus on which option is preferable. However, you can try to duplicate the liquid your cheese was when buying it.
If it arrives in brine, you’re pulling salt from the mozzarella, and you put the leftovers in freshwater. As a result, there is a slight variation in flavor. The same thing happens in reverse.
That means you’ll need to see if your mozzarella was in water or brine before proceeding. You can do so by reading the label’s components list or tasting the drink.
You’re now ready to make the liquid. You require only enough to cover the cheese in the container. Use around one teaspoon of salt per cup of water if you’re going with water and salt.
Submerge the mozzarella in the brine or water, cover, and store in the refrigerator. But that’s not the end of it.
Replace the liquid regularly. It’s unlikely that you’ll need to do it every day. Every other day should suffice. You can use the cheese’s liquid if you still have it, but you’ll need to replenish it in a day or two. You will have a few extra days of storage time if you go this route.
How to Tell if Mozzarella Cheese is Bad
Does mozzarella cheese go bad? The following are some of the most common indications of spoilage:
- The bag will bloat. If the mozzarella in your sealed bag is bloating, it’s safe to assume it’s past its prime time. However, you can look inside.
- You can see molds. If you detect mold on the mozzarella, toss it out. Trimming the moldy section off isn’t a brilliant idea, either. Instead, if there are any unusual specks on the surface, do the same thing.
- The fragrance is sour. If the cheese or the liquid it is in has a sour cream odor, it’s probably time to throw it out. It won’t kill you (or, in most situations, create any stomach problems), but mozzarella should not be sour. Plus, it could wreak havoc on your salad or whatever else you prepare with it.
- Tastes sour or bitter. If your mozzarella seems and smells fine, it’s time to taste it. If it’s all right, go ahead and eat the rest. Otherwise, it’s time to throw it away.

How Long Does Mozzarella Cheese Last in the Fridge?
How long does fresh mozzarella last? If the fresh mozzarella is salted, vacuum-sealed containers of unopened, refrigerated fresh mozzarella will survive four to six weeks from manufacturing. You should also look at the package’s expiration date. You should refrigerate and consume within four to seven days of opening.
It won’t spoil after this time, but it won’t taste the same because it starts to sour with age (however, it won’t make you sick). Use the leftovers in a spaghetti dish or as a pizza topping if you can’t finish it in four to seven days.
Traditional aged mozzarella, which comes in a block, stick, sliced, and shredded varieties, has a substantially longer shelf life due to its lower water content and the production processes. The following are some suggestions for extending its shelf life:
- Unopened and refrigerated: Up to three weeks past the use-by date, depending on refrigeration temperature, or up to 70 days after the production date, according to some experts.
- Between four and six months after the use-by date if unopened and frozen. Refrigerate after thawing and use within seven to 28 days of opening.
- Up to three months if you open and freeze. After opening the package, freeze it within seven to fourteen days. Use within seven to fourteen days after thawing in the refrigerator.
Can you Freeze Mozzarella Balls?
Although you can freeze mozzarella, the texture of the cheese will alter, becoming crumbly rather than smooth and creamy. In addition, the water concentration in mozzarella might cause crystal formation.
Can you freeze mozzarella balls? If you want to freeze mozzarella, cut it into appropriate serving sizes, cover each piece in aluminum foil or plastic wrap, and store it in a freezer bag. Frozen mozzarella will last three to four months in the freezer.
How to Keep Mozzarella Fresh
Fresh mozzarella cheese has the maximum flavor when you eat it at room temperature. Therefore, it’s ideal to buy only as much fresh mozzarella cheese as you’ll need. Always check the mozzarella expiration date on the package and purchase the freshest mozzarella cheese available.
The manufacturing date of the cheese is on the product date on the container. Consume mozzarella on the same day that you buy.
Storing fresh mozzarella cheese is usually in a water container at your local shop. Refrigerate fresh mozzarella cheese in its storage liquid until ready to eat, then consume within two to three days.
The mozzarella cheese packaging is sometimes in a vacuum. If your fresh Mozzarella does not come in a tub of liquid, put mozzarella in water in the refrigerator and use it within two to three days. The best way to keep mozzarella fresh is to keep it in a container of cold water in the fridge. Replace the water frequently.
What Liquid Should Mozzarella be Stored in?
Mozzarella, like ricotta, is a soft cheese with high moisture content. When you compare it to hard cheeses, mozzarella has a short shelf life, and you should consume it as soon as possible after purchase.
Suppose you’re making fresh mozzarella or buying pre-packaged mozzarella at the shop. What liquid should you store mozzarella in? Keep the mozzarella in an airtight container submerged in cold water or olive oil for up to five days.
Mozzarella Expiration Date Explained
Is there a way how to tell if mozzarella is bad? If a small piece of cheese tingles or burns your tongue, lips, or cheeks, the cheese is rotten (even if it passes the look and smell tests). So first, rinse your mouth with water after spitting it out (do not ingest it). Then, toss the cheese and get on with it.
Keep in mind that there is always more delicious cheese in stores near you. So don’t risk becoming sick and wasting time that you can spend enjoying good cheese to save some bad.
On the other hand, expiration dates on cheese are not permanent, and just because your cheese has passed its expiration date doesn’t mean it’s bad. When deciding whether to keep or throw a cheese that has passed its expiration date, utilize your common sense and intuition. In the end, make sure you properly wrap and store your cheeses.

The Final Say
Mozzarella cheese, made in Italy from water buffalo milk, is extensively used in dishes such as pizza and salad. It’s nothing like the cheese you find in the supermarket. If you don’t store it correctly, the flavor might get lost in days. Read our article and find out what is buffalo mozzarella.
You may know that mozzarella cheese has a flavor similar to fresh milk. That is correct. However, if you don’t store the cheese properly, the taste can quickly turn harsh and sour.
Some experts advise against storing mozzarella cheese in the refrigerator. They claim that the texture of the cheese will suffer as a result, becoming rubbery and chewy. They also recommend that you consume mozzarella on the same day of preparation.

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